Contego’s enterprise content management (ECM) products give you the power to capture, process and collaborate on important documents and information, and protect data integrity throughout its lifecycle.
Our consultants will work with your department to identify bottlenecks and automate business processes.
With Workflow, our exclusive management system, documents are automatically moved, deleted, or copied based on customized rules, while email notifications ensure prompt action and simplify supervision.
Contego’s Software solutions provide flexible configurations to meet the needs of multiple departments within your organization such as:
Simplify the payment cycle by automatically routing requisitions and linking documents that must be matched or reviewed for payment, such as purchase orders, bills of lading and invoices.
Digitize paperwork in employees’ personnel files, automatically route new documents to the appropriate HR staff member and provide employees with secure, Web access to information in their HR records.
Manage business and employment contracts, partnership and joint venture agreements, case files, transactions, research memos, forms, compliance records and correspondence.